Thursday, 21 May 2009

Ten days after using Henna

It has been ten days since my henna treatment and I trimmed my hair before I did my henna treatment, my hair seems more glossy, because I added the temporary colour to the henna, my highlights don't have that brassy look. I will probably do another henna treatment and see how my hair is.



Hello there!

I should try henna...

Thanks for writing about it, Valerie!!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

ValeriesWorld said...

Hi Lisa, lovely to see you. I will be using it again soon.

Dwana said...

You have very pretty hair, Diva!

ValeriesWorld said...

Dwana, thank you so much for your encouraging comments.

Amina said...

thank you for your kind comments on my blog! I truly appreciate them!!!
THe henna looks amazing on you!
how often are you planning to repeat the treatment?
subscribing too so i won't miss any new posts